How to change the payment status text in the time tracker

Is there a way to change the text of the payment status or add an additional status?

To explain. I have everyone under a care plan. That doesn’t mean that I don’t track time worked on the site but that time is included in the plan. When the monthly bill goes out I include a pro report detailing what work has been during the month. I would like it to have a status of “Included” instead of “Write-off” or “Unbilled”.

Additionally if I could set the default status to “Included” as 99.9% of the time is included in the care plan it would make things a lot easier.

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Hey @fatdash

Right now, this is not possible with Time Tracker.

Please feel free to make a suggestion about this on our feedback site. That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most.

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