How to see previous plugin version after update ("WP Activity Log" and "Activity Log For MainWP")


When I update plugins via MainWP I need to be able to see what the version of a plugin was, before I updated it, in case that something goes wrong. So I know which version to go back to.

When I go to “Activity Log For MainWP” I can only see what version of a plugin I have after the update and not what the previous version was (the version I had before tha update).

Does anyone know how to see this?

Hi @Hardie

Welcome to the MainWP community!

Our extension Pro Reports, which is used to generate periodic reports for your clients, works in tandem with MainWP Child Reports plugin.

The MainWP Child Reports plugin is responsible for logging the activity on the child sites themselves, and that includes plugin updates (both the old and new versions).

You can view the information logged by the MainWP Child Reports by generating a Pro Reports report on the MainWP Dashboard.

More info about Pro Reports extension: Pro Reports extension overview - MainWP Documentation


Is it only possible with the Pro reports extension?

I thought I could simply use the Activity Log For MainWP to see it?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that the Activity Log plugin logs that information.

Activity Log is a third-party extension which means that it was developed and supported by the Melapress team. Please feel free to reach out to them and ask them to consider including this information in their logging process.

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