I can't connect to a child site

The Mainwp plugin is added to a child site and activated, and when I add the admin username and password and click on add site, I get an error message that the site is set to have a unique ID.
In the child site the MainWP settings page is not showing to get the UniqueID from there. Please advise.

Apparently the MainWP Child plugin was used before with white labeling enabled. You can try to find the value with the instructions in the documentation:

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You can also reset the white label settings on the child site, using these instructions:

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Hey @ikhlief

As @josklever advised you, our White Label extension was likely used in the past on this child site to hide the MainWP Child plugin settings.

You can find the Unique Security ID even when the Child plugin settings page is hidden: Child Plugin 5.2.1: Reconnecting Child Sites with Unique Security ID - MainWP Knowledgebase

Or you can reset your MainWP Child settings: White Label - MainWP Knowledgebase