I uploaded a theme in it’s zip format directly from the envato download page. Mainwp says it was completed but when I click to Manage Themes the theme is not there and is nowhere to be found. I’ve tried it several times.
Hi @marcelovigo, I have never seen this problem. What happens if you try to install this theme ZIP file directly on the site though WP > Appearance > Themes > Add Themes?
Have you tried to check via FTP if the folder exists on the child site?
@marcelovigo check the zip file from envato, sometime they put other files in it and you get another zip file inside which is the theme itself. Be there, done that!
I thought of that and checked and the zip file only has the theme folder in it. I uploaded it via wordpress themes without any problems.
perhaps I’m not understanding how the manage themes page is supposed to work. If i check off a site and click view themes it shows me it’s themes but I don’t seem to have any way to favorite the theme.
I was able to upload the theme to the favorites extension just not in the mainwp dashboard themes page.
So it appears I just didn’t understand how “manage themes” worked. Sorry for the confusion.
Hi @marcelovigo, thanks for letting us know that the problem is solved and that everything is working ok now.
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