I’m a new MainWP (Pro) and it’s not clear to mean how to install/manage an extension on a child site from MainWP? For example, I want install extension Code Snippet on child site A – where and how should I do this?
You don’t. Extensions are only for your MainWP dashboard. If you want to use code snippets, you enter them on the dashboard so they can be executed on one or more child sites.
Thanks…just to clarify, I will need to install the associated plugin – such as Code Snippets – on child site first – and then execute code snipped from MainWP dashboard?
No, the Code Snippets plugin works on it’s own. No additional plugins needed on the child site. Please check the documentation as well: Code Snippets - MainWP Documentation
I think I’m figuring this out now…Code Snippets question is just an example.
Now I understand – if I want to use Wordfence on a child site, I have to install/activate manually on child site first – then can configure Wordfence settings centrally from MainWP.
Yes, for Wordfence you need to install the Wordfence plugin on your child sites and the MainWP Wordfence Extension can be used to manage the Wordfence settings and scans on the child sites.
For the Code Snippets Extension you don’t need a child plugin, because the code snippets are saved to wp-config.php or the database of the child site or just executed once.