Issue with scheduled syncs: updates no longer syncing

Since the release of 5.2 my sites are no longer reporting updates to the dashboard unless I run a manual sync.


Hey @7thcircle

We are currently investigating a potential issue with scheduled syncs in v5.2.

Please feel free to open a private help desk ticket so we can investigate further:

If anyone else is facing this issue, please also open a help desk ticket.

Once we have more information about the scheduled sync issue, I will share it in this thread.

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Hi All,

I’ve been using MainWP for a few months now and it’s been working perfectly. I usually login once a week and update all my client sites.

Usually in my main dashboard on MainWP it will show clearly how many plugins/themes/core need to be update. However, the for last couple of weeks it hasn’t shown that but when I log into the client sites there are plugins that need updating.

I’ve just “synced” using the main sync option on my main site and the plugins to be updated now show. However, it used to show as soon as I logged in.

I have the latest Main WP plugins installed on my main site and the child sites. Can anyone advise?



This was already reported by another user, so please always check recent posts, before creating a new (similar) one. This was the reply on the other post:

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Hi @Carlton

Thanks for reporting this to us.

We are currently investigating a potential issue with scheduled syncs in v5.2.

Please feel free to open a private help desk ticket so we can investigate further:

Thanks Jos, I did actually check (as is my normal practice) however, I didn’t see anything. Things don’t always come up unless you use the specific words someone else uses and because the other post was very short, it didn’t come up in my search.

Same problem here, had to rollback dashboard to v5.1 to get scheduled syncs working again.

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Thanks for the red flag on this issue! We rolled back to 5.1.1 and it worked. I was wondering why we didn’t have any updates this weekend… LOL Thanks to @7thcircle and @Carlton for the information. Hope it will be fix soon…


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EDITED: Received the confirmation with delays! Please ignore.

Hi @bojan
I opened a ticket but it doesn’t appear in my list of tickets! I noticed that it is a new solution so not sure if there is an issue at your end. I opened under my initial account which is itinmind as you told me we can’t change it for wpexpert.

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I have also tried following these directions: How to Disable WP Cron on MainWP | Step-by-Step Guide
(why is the Check available updates cron suggested to be run every min? I set it anyway)

… and still the same issue with the sync remains. It’s like the sync may be triggered correctly, but just doesn’t run. Manual sync still works.

I have also tried a new version MainWP asked me to try… still no sync.

Every time the sync tries to run, I see something like this in the logs (I’ve shared this with MainWP support as well):
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "slug" in public_html/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-updates-per-item.php on line 195

We have prepared a fix for this issue.

If you’d like me to send a pre-release version, please send me a DM by clicking on my name and then Message.

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I have been running the fix for about 24 hours and the sync issue is not resolved

Hi @7thcircle

Thanks for the feedback.

Can you please open a help desk ticket so we can take a closer look at your Dashboard:

We have released version v5.2.1 of the MainWP Dashboard that addresses the issue related to automatic/scheduled sync.

Should anyone continue to face this issue, please feel free to open a private help desk ticket so we can investigate further:

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