We have verified that there was an issue (on Cloudways end) with the update of the Let’s Encrypt older root certificate (DST Root CA X3) to their newest version (ISRG Root X1), which is causing some sites not to be able to connect to their MainWP Dashboard.
Cloudways is currently working on a fix, and we do not have an ETA.
If you check your MainWP Server Status and see anything less than 1.1 in cURL SSL Version, you’ll need your host to update their OpenSSL install.
A temporary workaround will be to tell your Dashboard to ignore SSL errors by going into Settings–>Advanced Settings and turning off Verify SSL certificate.
My MainWP dashboard site is hosted with Cloudways and this site seems to be working fine. This website is running with a default Cloudways URL which is not using a Lets Encrypt certificate.
My child sites are not hosted on Cloudways, but on another host and all my child websites are running with an Lets Encrypt certificate but they all seem to be working fine.
So how is it possible that I can not connect my dashboard site with my child sites? Is there a problem with Cloudways> Or in my specific case; is the problem with the other host where my child sites are running?
I see that MainWP is not the only plugin affected by this issue. My MainWP dashboard is on another host but I do have a client website installed on cloudways. The MainWP Child Plugin works fine (at least it synchs and updates plugins) but I did find another plugin (not related to MainWP) having an issue.
WPVivid Backup is now having an SSL issue when it attempts to upload the backup to my OneDrive. Here is the error I get:
If you use the global settings you have to keep in mind that on the child site the verify ssl setting needs to be use global settings. because if you set yes or no the global settings do not work.
The problem was on Cloudways. So somewhere in the technology stack when your CW server needed to communicate with child sites, the certificate chain didn’t work because it no longer trusted those Let’s Encrypt certs.