Lighthouse not auditing sites

I installed the extension, entered the API key in settings.
When I click on the Audit all sites button, window opens and seems to run audit on all sites.
But no results are shown, just “No websites found”

When I use CLI to run an audit on just one site I get Error: Sites not found.

Hi Christophe,

Thanks for reporting this. Regarding the CLI problem, can you try this version:

And regarding the Audit process, can you try to retest and see if it was just a temp glitch on the API side?

CLI is working now.
In the dashboard 15 of the 17 sites are listed. I id have to run multiple audits to get results for all of them.

What could be the reason 2 are not being added to the list?
I can audit them using the CLI

Hi Christophe,

thank you for verifying that the audit process started working.

At this point, I can only assume that the process timed out for 2 sites, or there was some glitch on the Google PS API side that caused the process to fail for these two sites.

If this continues to happen, please check the extension settings where you can change delays and some other settings and have the extension perform as best as possible.

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