(Tony Crockford)
June 6, 2022, 1:28pm
Is it possible to export a list of all plugins on all sites?
I have 102 sites and I want to see which plugins are being used where, and searching plugin by plugin is a slow process.
I figured that the data is there, but is there a way to export it for sorting in a spreadsheet?
(Jos Klever)
June 6, 2022, 3:55pm
It’s in the database, so the start would be a selection via phpMyAdmin like:
SELECT id, name, url, plugins FROM
But then this data has to be processed, but my skills on that matter are somewhat limited, so I hope you can proceed with this first step.
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(Tony Crockford)
June 6, 2022, 6:41pm
Thanks, I’ve got that data out, but it looks like the plugin names are all in serialised form. Maybe a challenge I don’t really need.
Thank you though!
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(Bogdan Rapaić)
June 6, 2022, 7:41pm
Hi Tony,
Do you need a list per site or just all plugins that are installed across all sites?
Maybe the easiest way is to run the search on the MainWP > Plugins > Advanced Auto Updates page and something like this:
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(Tony Crockford)
June 6, 2022, 8:43pm
Hi, thanks for that.
I think I was hoping for a list of plugins per site for every site, but I think I might turn that on it’s head, take your idea to get all plugins and then see if I can get which sites have that plugin on
I’m trying to work out if I need to keep renewing some of my plugin licences.
June 15, 2022, 12:11pm
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