We are wanting to adopt mainwp for our agency. We are currently using ManageWP but we can see that the Pro version of MainWP will be much better suited to us in the long run.
Unfortunately at the moment we are not able to automatically log in to any of our sites. Each time we access WP Admin for a site we are presented with the login credentials form.
The issue here is that Digital Pacific (our host) has the configured the Recaptcha bot in the litespeed server to protect the wp-admin login page.
We had the same issue when using ManageWP however they have the option to connect via a connection key which works perfectly.
There does seem to be a connection to the sites though so im not sure why we are being prompted for credentials each time we try to access the admin backend.
Hi @gjohncock
Welcome to the MainWP Community.
I assume you are trying to log in through one of the Jumb to the site WP Admin icons?
Do you know which recaptcha system are they using, and if possible can you send as a screenshot of the WP login UI if it is any different from the default one?
Hi Bojan,
Apologies for the delayed response. It seems that now I have added many more sites that the issue described above is not the issue at all. I do however have issues with a number of our sites seemingly unable to maintain a connection that does not involve the credentials dialog appearing. I’ll create a new post with the current issues described.
Greg J
Thanks for the update. I’m glad that the original issue is no longer present.
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