We have tested this update thoroughly on many different server setups but it’s impossible to test every configuration. That is why I am asking if you could install the Dashboard and Child plugins on some of your test sites and let us know if you find any issues.
New Testing Environment
This update should be stable and not cause any major issues however we do recommend you set-up some dedicated testing sites or sub-domains until you have verified everything works on your server setup.
If you are setting up a new testing environment all you need to do is download and install as normal the Dashboard and Child Plugin.
Existing Sites
If you decide that you want to run the Beta on your existing live environment follow these instructions:
Upgrade Dashboard Plugin
- Download the MainWP Dashboard Zip from above
- On your MainWP Dashboard site, deactivate and delete the version that you are currently using
- Install the new (beta) Dashboard plugin
- Activate the plugin
Upgrade Child Plugin
- Download the MainWP Child Zip from above
- Then get to your MainWP Dashboard
- Go to the Plugins > Install > Upload page
- Select the sites you want to upload it to
- Upload the Child Plugin you downloaded earlier
- Be sure BOTH “Activate after installation ” and “Overwrite existing” are selected
- Press the button to complete the process
That will install this version on your child sites for you.
Extensions API Licensing Upgrade
Extensions API upgrade system requires the MainWP.com DB to be updated. The process is currently in progress so testing this feature will be available soon.
In version 4.2, Extensions licensing system has been upgraded. Changes that were made should improve performance and we believe that problems with updating and activating extensions should be resolved.
In order to test the new Extensions API licensing system,
- Make sure your MainWP Dashboard is updated to version 4.2-beta1 or newer
- Go to the MainWP > Settings > Tools page
- Locate and click the Delete Extensions API Activation Data button. This will deactivate and delete old API keys. This doesn’t affect your extensions settings.
- Go to the MainWP > Extensions page
- Enter your New Main API Key that you can find at the https://mainwp.com/my-account/my-api-keys/ page
- Validate it and after successful validation, click the Activate Extensions button.
Cache Control
Cache Control is a new feature that clears all cache from child sites automatically after performing updates from your MainWP Dashboard.
To enabled the feature:
- Go to the MainWP > Settings > Cache Control page
- Enable the feature
- Sync your sites
After the sync process is complete, MainWP will detect the cache plugin that you use and from that point, every time you update plugins or themes on your site, MainWP will clear the cache automatically.
At the moment, supported caching systems are:
- Breeze
- LiteSpeed Cache
- SG CachePress
- Swift Performance Lite
- WP Fastest Cache
- W3 Total Cache
- WP Rocket
- Hummingbird Performance
- Cache Enabler
Let us know if you have suggestions for additional caching systems to be included.
Plugin Privacy
In this version, we precisely defined how the MainWP plugin treats your data and respects your privacy. The plugin privacy policy is now available on the MainWP > Info > Plugin Privacy page.
Other Improvements
Along with the above-listed changes, we tackled a few feature requests from our users and made the following updates:
- Parent theme of an active child theme on child sites can’t be deleted from MainWP Dashboard to prevent potential issues.
- Parent themes are marked for easier recognition
- Active child themes are also more prominent on the Manage Themes screen
- Negative Search feature will allow you to perform a search and for example, find all sites that don’t have “plugin x” installed
- Site Edit screen will allow you to easily make a change to the Site URL field, to be specific, after adding or removing WWW in the site URL, you will be able to make the corresponding change in the site settings without reading the site.
CODE NAME: Privacy
START DATE: March 22th, 2022
RELEASE DATE: April 5th, 2022
For reporting MainWP 4.2 beta issues, we created a separate subcategory under the Support section. To report problems, please go to the Beta 4.2 Category and post as many as possible details about the problem you have found.