Just updated to version 4.5, and while I was organizing my Client Dashboard I noticed an issue. I have one client that I no longer manage their sites. However, I still keep them in the system for when they change their mind, (come to their senses). That said, I noticed that the Non-MainWP Changes widget on this client’s dashboard was showing changes I had made directly to other websites. Confused, I went to the dashboard of the client that had these websites assigned to them and their Non-MainWP Changes widget was empty stating, “No changes detected!” Below are the screenshots of each of the clients’ dashboards.
Hi @kwsim
Thanks for reporting this to us and we appreciate the screenshots.
Would you mind opening a private Help Desk ticket so the development team can look into this?
And please refer to this Managers thread by its URL in the ticket.
Hi @bojan,
I opening it right now. Also, the Non-MainWP Changes widget is working fine on the individual site dashboards.
Fixed in version
Thanks for confirming the fix.
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