Can the child plugin be activated on a domain to get access to install premium plugins that require manual licensing to include installing and licensing MainWP (while the child plugin is activated on that domain)?
Hi John,
I am not sure that I fully understand your requirement. Can you please provide me more details?
Sorry that I delayed responding. Hopefully, I can articulate my question better:
I have a Pro license. I can install the extensions on unlimited sites, presumably for a fee.
Since the API Key for each extension must be manually entered on the domain where MainWP gets installed,
would this process work:
Customer downloads MainWP Child, activates it on Customer’s site and provides someone who has MainWP installed with Pro License on Licensee’s site the required data in order to add and sync the Child site.
Once that is successful, can the Pro licensee access the Child site WP-Admin, download, install, & activate MainWP on the Child site, add the respective API licenses for the extension (or the one’s customer wants)?
Is there a built-in or potential conflict from having both MainWP and MainWP Child installed and activated on the same domain?
Hopefully, that clarifies my query.
Thanks, John Geary
I will say the combo of MainWP on my domain with MainWP Child installed and connected on a customer’s domain cannot be beat as a means of provisioning premium plugins that need manual licensing at the domain level. I already know it works for 3rd-party plugins. So it begged the question: will it also work for MainWP Extensions?
But I don’t want to risk experimenting.
Hi John,
Thanks for the details.
MainWP Extensions should never be installed on child sites.
Extensions are designed to be installed only on the dashboard site and you activate them there.
Number of child sites does not affect extension licensing.
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