I have just updated to MainWP v4.3 and it seems that the MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension cannot set any custom CSS for mobile devices as the mainwp-responsive-layouts.css overrides the settings, in fact the css created by the custom dashboard extension seems to be loaded before the responsive design so as CSS works, the last one is the one instated. I have also tried with the WordPress Custoṁ CCS from the customizer but same thing happends, the responsive layouts are injected at the end.
To give you an example, I am trying to hide the ignore buttons on mobile devices as I tend to click on them by error and as there’s no confirmation popup for these buttons I need to go look for that update and set it back to be shown.
Thess seem to be the css classes: mainwp-ignore-globally-button and mainwp-ignore-update-button, but hiding theme with display none seems to work only on desktop.
For me the @media screen and the CSS rules set inside seems to not be taken into account and the mainwp-responsive-layouts.css?ver=4.3 is setting the last CSS.
If I’m setting it as a general rule(no @media query) to hide those buttons on all devices it manages to hide them eventually even on mobile, so I will leave it like that to not lose to much time on this as I’m not actually using too much that ignore buttons.