We have tested this update thoroughly on many different server setups but it’s impossible to test every configuration. That is why I am asking if you could install the Dashboard and Child plugins on some of your test sites and let us know if you find any issues.
New Testing Environment
This update should be stable and not cause any major issues however we do recommend you set up some dedicated testing sites or sub-domains until you have verified everything works on your server setup.
If you are setting up a new testing environment all you need to do is download and install as normal the Dashboard and Child Plugin.
Existing Sites
If you decide that you want to run the Beta on your existing live environment follow these instructions:
Upgrade Dashboard Plugin
- Download the MainWP Dashboard ZIP from above
- On your MainWP Dashboard site, deactivate and delete the version that you are currently using
- Install the new (beta) Dashboard plugin
- Activate the plugin
Upgrade Child Plugin
- Download the MainWP Child ZIP from above
- Then get to your MainWP Dashboard
- Go to the Plugins > Install > Upload page
- Select the sites you want to upload it to
- Upload the Child Plugin you downloaded earlier
- Be sure BOTH “Activate after installation ” and “Overwrite existing” are selected
- Press the button to complete the process
That will install this version on your child sites for you.
RELEASE FOCUS - PHP 8 Compatibility
Back in late 2020, PHP 8 was released focusing on performance boosting features. After numerous tests and adjusting our code-base, the BETA version of the MainWP Dashboard and Child plugin is now compatible with the PHP 8.
If you are using PHP 8 on your web hosting server to run MainWP Dashboard and/or Child sites, we would appreciate it if you can test and help us to make it compatible for different environments.
START DATE: November 16rd, 2021
For reporting MainWP beta issues, we created a separate subcategory under the Support section. To report problems, please go to the Beta Category and post as much as possible details about the problem you have found.