Mainwp file uploader Ability to specify file and upload location

Ability to specify file and upload location

With the current function, only one designated location can be set.

For example, when specifying po or mo files in the language folder, you cannot select by plugin.

I would like to use it if there is a function to specify and save one hierarchy for one file.

fileA — folder pass A
fileB — folder pass B
fileC — folder pass C

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Hey @imzban

This is currently not possible with the File Uploader extension. As you mentioned, only one path can be set when uploading multiple files.

​Please feel free to make a suggestion about this on our feedback site.

That way, others can vote for it, letting us know which features our users want the most:

yes i know. However, since the idea board is not easily displayed in search engines, I thought it would not get enough votes, so I wrote about it on this forum.
I hope many people will see it

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