I have configured the backup jobs globally using the MainWP extension.
As the jobs are sent to Dropbox I’ve had to finish that stage of the configuration on each website, so that I could configure Dropbox authentication and the destination folder individually.
This has worked fine for months, but recently I edited the global backup job from the MainWP cotrol panel and when I saved it, the Dropbox destination folder was removed from all websites. I have recreated it manually on some sites as a test and when I save the global job, the folder is deleted again.
Is this a bug or normal behavior of the MainWP extension?
I understand that due to security issues with remote storage providers, this part of the configuration should be done on the child site. In fact, each site must be authenticated separately.
I wonder what is the function of the “destination folder” field in the “To:Dropbox” tab inside the MainWP BackWpup extension, since the field cannot be used, as the folder must be configured individually on each child site.
And that empty field overwrites what is already configured on the child site when re-saving a global backup job in the MainWP BackWpup extension.