MainWP + UpdraftPlus + S3 Generic


I’m encountering an issue with the UpdraftPlus module for S3-compatible configuration.
For the backup path, I’m using the suggested variable: %siteurl%.
When I apply a manual configuration to a domain via MainWP, I have no issues.
However, when I apply a global configuration to all domains, sometimes—mainly for domains that are not .com (this often happens with .fr or .bzh domains)—the path in the UpdraftPlus configuration ends up being domaine_.ext instead of domaine.ext, which blocks S3 backups.

Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?
Are there only these two tokens available? %sitename%, %siteurl%?


Hey @Elyaz

I was unable to reproduce this issue. I’ve tried .com, .tv and .one domains, and for all of them the S3 location value was saved properly.
Both for per-site and global settings.

Yes, those are the only two available tokens in this field.

Are you using the latest version of the UpdraftPlus extension (5.0.2), UpdraftPlus plugin (1.25.1) and MainWP Child plugins (5.3.3)?

Hello @bojan

Yes, I use the latest versions of the plugins.
Could you test with a domain that you don’t have? Because I can provide you with a domain where each time the character “_” is added.

Sure, I’d be happy to test.
Can you please open a private help desk ticket so we can arrange that?