Testing the 4.2 beta plugins, I think I was a little too fast deleting the Extensions API key. When I try to get my new key I see it’s not available yet (and I see the warning in the instructions, that I forgot to read before ).
Can I just wait until the functionality will be available? I don’t see my old key listed…
Same here - upgraded and found the new API key, used it and a few extensions activated, others didn’t as it said API not valid. Checked my account - Downloads section and a lot of extensions are now missing as though they are not included in my Pro account.
tried old key in the extensions that couldn’t be activated and it said I had not purchased them…
There was an API key now when I just checked, but indeed it’s only for a small list of extensions, not all. I guess they are still working on it to migrate the other extensions to the new method.
I just received an email that my order was complete including a bill (probably a mistake, so I’ll check that with the MainWP team) and it had a much longer list of extensions, so I’ve tried to activate all the extensions again and now it worked.