I use Updraftplus for a couple of years now. I used the mehod FTP.
Now I heard that Backblaze is pretty good an payable to use. I created a Backblaze account and applied the settings to the Updraftplus extension. But whatever I try I never get a connection. I always get a 401 status error code. I also tried to use the plugin not from mainwp. But whatever I try…
Do you use Backblaze as a remote storage? I would really like to get this method to work.
Hm, not sure what could be wrong, but the Error code 401 (Unathorized) indicates that some security rule is not allowing the connection. Might be best to check with Backblaze team if they know what could be causing this on their side.
What I think is strange is that in the extension I can only set the accontid and the Application key. While in the Updraftplus plugin I can also add the bucket iD.
Is it possible that the Mainwp extension is behind on the actual developments?
FTP worked fine by the way. So I decided to stick to FTP.