With WP 6.5 out, we wanted to delete all twenty themes except twenty twnety-four.
Going to the theme section, select all sites and filter on Twenty and Inactive gives us all the site. For 2023, we had 170 with it so I selected all and bulk action, selected delete and apply. I got the spin wheel and then the site crashed…
I wait for the resources to come back to life, refresh the page and we got 125 sites now.
I understand that it is an intensive process to connect on each site and delete the theme but there is no option to select like 50 sites at a time. You need to select one by one each site… with more than 170 sites, it is time consuming!
It will be really helpful if you can select the first site, and scroll down, click on SHIFT plus select the site and it will select all the sites above like a multiple select. I hope I am clear enough…
Here is the section I speak about:
As you pointed out, massive theme deletions are an intensive process and can cause a resource spike on the Dashboard and Child site’s servers.
The team is looking into shift-select functionality, and while I cannot give an exact ETA or guarantee that it’ll be released, I can say that there is a decent chance that it will be included in one of the upcoming releases.