Hi there,
At a loss with this one.
I have migrated a WP site from one server to another. The MainWP child plugin now shows this error on the new server:
MainWP Upload Directory
Writable Unable to create directory /var/sites/m/abc.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/uploads/mainwp/. Is its parent directory writable by the server? Warning
The tabs for Server Information and Connection Details are blank.
I have deactived/deleted/reinstalled the child plugin, purged cache, disconnected/reconnected to the MainWP Dashboard etc, all to no avail.
I have also freshly created a seperate WP site on the new server, and succesfully installed the MainWP child plugin that is now working with the remote MainWP Dashboard. So MainWP does actually work on the new server.
What is odd about the error message is that ‘/var/sites/m/’ bit is associated with the file structure of the old server. When I look at the MainWP Upload Directory within the Server Information tab on the new server for fresh WP install, I see this directory: /home/def.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/uploads/mainwp/
I don’t know, but does a migrated MainWP child plugin contain a ‘hard coded’ upload directory path?
All ideas welcome!