I have a site that was being hosted by a board member on their personal hosting account. MainWP was working fine. However, we moved the site to a board controlled hosting account with the same hosting provider. Now I can’t connect to the new site location because every time I try to connect I get this error:
Unable to create directory /home/ideatrip/sessolarcoop.ca/wp-content/uploads/mainwp/
ideatrip/sessolarcoop.ca/ is where the site used to be when it was on the board member’s personal hosting. Which is somehow being remembered.
The Test Connection says everything is fine and shows the correct IP.
How do I get it to look at where it’s located now?
Have a look at Settings - Media. Do you see a setting for Upload Path there? Clear that field and save it. The setting will disappear then. After that it will hopefully work again.
I can’t find any Settings - Media. The only settings I can see are:
General Settings
Advanced Settings
Email Settings
Dashboard Insights
API Backups