No Clear Connection Data button

Trying to reconnect a site and I’m getting an error: “Error detected: The child site already contains connection data. To proceed, you need to clear the connection data on the child site. Navigate to WP Admin > Settings > MainWP Child > MainWP Child Settings, and click the Clear Connection Data button. After clearing the data, try reconnecting the site.”

There is no Clear Connection Data button.

It should be there, as I’m seeing it on the bottom of the page /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mainwp_child_tab

Do you see the rest of that page or are you missing more? In that case, did you use the whitelabel extension to hide functionality? You can reset that following these instructions: White Label Master Reset

Jos, thank you for your reply.

The button is not on the page at /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mainwp_child_tab

Yes, I did use the whitelable extension. Unfortunately, the Reset MainWP Child Plugin listed at White Label Master Reset no longer exists and the instructions on that page do not work.

I see that it’s been moved indeed. I found another article with a working link: White Label - MainWP Knowledgebase

@bojan Can you make sure that the the link on the first article is replaced?

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Thank you, Jos.

The plugin from the working link did the trick!


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