I tried to use BackWPup extension on my connected websites but it gives me this error!
No websites were found with the BackWPup plugin installed.
All my websites connected perfectly,
Also about WPvivid Backup , it gives me the same error;
Not Install!
It seems that I cant use BackUp features with any extension.
Please advise what to do?
Thank you
(Jos Klever)
March 2, 2022, 12:00pm
Do the child sites have the BackWPup (or WPvivid) plugin installed? The extension on your dashboard is only to manage the settings of the plugin on the child sites, not to make the backups of the child sites.
(Bogdan Rapaić)
March 2, 2022, 4:14pm
Jos is right, for the proper extension installation you need to have the corresponding plugin installed on child sites and sync sites after that.
Please see here about the BackWPup Ext. installation process:
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April 1, 2022, 4:14pm
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