Not always detecting WPForms Pro updates

Sometimes my MainWP detects new WPForms Elite / Pro updates and sometimes it doesn’t. I have not been able to narrow-down the cause, since there doesn’t seem to be any common factor between sites or versions, and sometimes even Sync Dashboard with Child Sites doesn’t make a difference.

I’m starting to wonder if WPForms paid version has something in it to purposely prevent certain operations, since I don’t think I’ve seen the issue with the free version. (However, most of the sites I manage are running Elite / Pro , and only very few are running the free version).

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Hi @David_H

I don’t know why the WPForms Pro specifically might be causing issues, but you could try going through the troubleshooting steps and some ways to enhance compatibility with Paid Plugins: Premium Plugin Updates Not Detected - MainWP Documentation

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