I’m a little confused about the API key settings. I have installed the PageSpeed Insight plugin successfully on a site and it is now reporting data which means the connection is successful.
The dashboard can see the site (because it is listed) that the plugin is installed on but it is not reporting anything back. I have not added any Google API key in the general settings. Which Google API key do I add here? Not of the specific child site right? I’m a little confused since the dashboard can see the site and should be displaying the data from the child site. If I enter the same API key from the child site, what happens to other sites with different API keys?
You can use one API key for all your site. Basically, you get the key and submit it through your Extension to your child sites. Once you do it, your extension should start reporting the page speed score.
However, if you prefer running a different key for each child site, you can manage the extension settings individually for each child site. Go to the MainWP > Sites, locate the site you want to edit, click the Edit action link and go to the Page Speed page.