Where does MainWP Dashboard gets the plugin and theme icons? I noticed one slow loading icon from Neve theme, which is loading a 1200x900 pixel screenshot.png from a server of the author. That’s not only slowing down the updates screen, but it’s also a form of tracking from the author’s server, which is not GDPR compliant. I’m not sure if this is a MainWP issue or a violation of the theme, but understanding how the icon is fetched would help to figure this out, ask the author to change it or even report it to the WordPress Themes team.
Hi @josklever,
We fetch icons for plugins and themes from WP.org via API in the same way we fetch the plugin and theme information.
The exact domains where the icons are served from initially are ps.w.org for plugins, and wp-themes.com for themes.
We do not attempt to fetch any icons or screenshots for premium products that are not in wp.org repository.
Instead, for those, the user can upload the desired icon/screenshot themselves by clicking on the plus icon:
Thanks for the answer! I now see, that the screenshot is retrieved from an official WordPress site and not from the that of an author. So the GDPR thing is off the table.
Should the requested theme icons actually be icons or are you using the screenshots as icons? It looks like it loads only screenshot.png and not icons (if available at all). That’s not really useful and slowing down the pageload. Definitely on the Themes page.
You are most welcome.
WP.org doesn’t actually have icons for themes and instead uses a 1200x900 PNG as a thumbnail for it, which is what we fetch.
Right now, we save the external URL for those thumbnails, and while they should be served by your browser cache and thus shouldn’t slow down the Manage Themes page at all in most scenarios, we will likely be changing this in the future to store the icon/thumbnail on the Dashboard site.
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