I’ve had my license for MainWP for a good month or so and I’m still trying to figure out how to use it.
My goal is to be able to use
Updraftplus premium
Advanced Uptime Monitor
Pages peed
Pro reports
WordPress SEO
Am I correct in saying in order to do so I need to have eight plugins installed on each child site I want to be able to run them on? One for each of these processes plus the MainWP child plugin plus the Yoast Plugin? Is there a way to set up MainWP so that I can push these plugins to every site that I monitor or do I have to log into each one and do it manually?
Hi Fred, I will be happy to help. Not all of the mentioned extensions require a 3rd party plugin on your child sites.
UpdraftPlus extension requires the UpdraftPlus plugin on the child sites
Adavned Uptime Monitor doesn’t require any extra plugin, it runs on the Uptime Robot API
Sucuri doesn’t require additional plugin, it runs on the Sucuri API
Page Speed requires the Google PageSpeed Insights plugin on child sites
Pro Reports requires our MainWP Child Reports plugin on sites in order to collect reporting data
WordPress SEO requires the Yoast SEO plugin on Dashboard and all child sites
Once you have all your child sites connected to your MainWP Dashboard, you can use the Bulk Intallation process to install all required plugins to your child sites. See here how to insatll plugins in bulk:
Hi Fred, for each extension we have help documentation, and for all extension that require additional plugin, you will find this kind of a help document:
Also, if you install some extension that requires a plugin, and you don’t have this plugin on child sites, when you enter the extension main page, you will see a notice or any other sign that the plugin is missing.
For example, if you install the MainWP Wordfence Extension and access it, you will see this: