Pro Reports "Screen options" button just opens a new browser tab

When I click on Extensions->Pro Reports or the other way through Clients->Pro Reports, the new page will open to the “Reports” tab where I can select from my reports. On first page load, the “Screen options” cog wheel icon appears at the top. Clicking on this just opens a new tab.

However, if I click to one of the other tabs like Create Report or Tokens and then click back again to the Reports tab, the screen options icon disappears.

So it’s only when Pro Reports first opens that the screen options button is visible, and then it disappears if I go to one of the other tabs and back again.

Just a little bug it seems. Need to make sure screen options doesn’t appear when Pro Reports first opens to the Reports tab.

Hey @zackw

Thanks for reporting this to us.

I’ve managed to reproduce the issue and passed it along to our dev team.

It will be fixed in the next release of Pro Reports.

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