At the moment I’m using wp-cli to update my website because I can script the outcome for each update I do.
Now I started using the Pro-Reports extension, but I noticed that when I do updates with the CLI commands, these changes are not registered in the MainWP Child Reports. So the updates that I did are not mentioned on the report that I’m sending to the customers.
Is there a way I can still use my WP-cli scripts to update so that the MainWP Child Reports registers these updates?
I found some wp-cli commands form Main-WP, but these are sometimes unreliable and give the success messages at the incorrect time.
If possible I want to keep my original wp-cli command/scripts that I’m using now.
We will look into why the updates done through non-MainWP CLI commands are not logged by the MainWP Child Reports plugin and subsequently shown in Pro Reports, and if we can make changes so that they are logged.
We will update you as soon as we have more information.