Did you transfer the site to a different server? If so, it can be that MainWP still sees the site on the old server, while you are debugging on the new one.
So before connecting to the site you can do a connection test, that will show you the IP of the server MainWP tinks the website is on. After a transfer it can take some time before the DNS cache is cleared and MainWP sees the correct IP.
@josklever makes a good point about trying a connection test.
This will reveal the IP address of the Child Site that the MainWP Dashboard sees.
For the connection to be established it needs to be the IP of the server where the child site is hosted.
If the site was recently migrated or if it is using Cloudflare, then it might display a different IP address.
Thank you both for your answers. We didn’t move the website to another server recently.
I made the test, connexion is successfull and showed IP :
I have to admit I’m a little lost with IP address. This website is hosted on planethoster along with other website, a mutual hosting. I don’t have any issue with the others.
I took one with no problem at all to see what could be the differences. The only one I’ve found was with DNS record on a particular region (Paris) so I made some changes :