"Security Issues Detected" error

For some time now my dashboard (v4.5.0.1 and several earlier versions) has been reporting security issues on some sites. However, when I click the button to see what the issues are for a specific domain, I’m met with a page of potential issues with a bunch of spinning circles on the left that never stop.

And I get a “Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue” email from WordPress on the dashboard site that includes the following error details:

An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 598 of the file /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: unserialize(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type string, array given in /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php:598
Stack trace:
#0 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php(598): unserialize()
#1 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/libs/wfPersistenceController.php(15): MainWP_Wordfence_Config::get_ser()
#2 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/libs/wfPersistenceController.php(9): MainWP_wfPersistenceController->__construct()
#3 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/views/scanner/scan-progress-detailed.php(24): MainWP_wfPersistenceController::shared()
#4 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/libs/wfView.php(62): include(‘…’)
#5 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-log.class.php(81): MainWP_wfView->render()
#6 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence.class.php(832): MainWP_Wordfence_Log::gen_result_tab()
#7 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): MainWP_Wordfence::render_general_tabs()
#8 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#9 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
#10 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-manage-sites-view.php(741): do_action()
#11 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-manage-sites.php(1135): MainWPDashboardMainWP_Manage_Sites_View::render_scan_site()
#12 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-manage-sites.php(1280): MainWPDashboardMainWP_Manage_Sites::render_scan_site()
#13 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): MainWPDashboardMainWP_Manage_Sites::render_manage_sites()
#14 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#15 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
#16 /sites/[my dashboard domain]/files/wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action()
#17 {main}

It appears that I can fix the issues by clicking the wrench icon. I tried it on one site, but I am not willing to “fix” more of them without being able to see what the issues are.

I keep thinking this is a pretty obvious problem that should get fixed in an update, but so far it never does.

Any ideas?

Hi @johnm

Can you please post some screenshots (where do you get the report of a security issue, where do you click the wrench icon to fix the issue, etc…) of the issue so we have a better understanding of the context?

And can you please post the community system report from your MainWP Dashboard for review? The report is located in your Dashboard under Info → Server, on the top right of the page.

Be sure to use the button like the one below; this button hides all your private information:


Pressing the button auto-copies the report to your clipboard then just paste it in a reply here.

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