I’m not sure if this issue is new in 4.3 beta 1, but as there was a new security check introduced in this version, every site mentions it has 1 issue. I would like to know which issue that is, but I can’t click the issue, and if I go to Details I’m just getting spinning circles that last forever.
And at the bottom of the page the Wordfence scan results again have the incorrect styling, while the results aren’t even shown.
Disabling the Wordfence Extension fixes indeed the spinning circles and it shows that the security issue that needs to be fixed is “WP Config debugging is disabled”. But WP_DEBUG is set to false, so I don’t get that.
Can you try to disable all plugins (except for MainWP Child) and temporarily switch to one of the default themes and see if that resolves the problem with the WP Debug detection?
It could be that some plugin is overwriting the define rule in wp-config.php.
Even with just MainWP Child and Twenty Twenty it’s still showing as failed. In the Site health section with WordPress Constants it shows that WP_DEBUG is disabled. But the check fails.
How is the check performed?
I think it might be related to these lines in .htaccess to prevent showing the wp-config.php:
#Deny access to wp-config.php
<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all
I’ve got the Wordfence Extension disabled during the day, but did another test enabling it after updating to beta 2. It caused this error I received via mail when I visited a Security Scan page of a child site. Hopefully it helps debug the issue in this extension.
Een fout van het type E_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 872 van het bestand /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php. Foutmelding: Uncaught TypeError: unserialize(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type string, array given in /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php:872
Stack trace:
#0 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-config.class.php(872): unserialize()
#1 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/models/scanner/wfScanner.php(82): MainWP_Wordfence_Config::get_ser()
#2 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/models/scanner/wfScanner.php(70): MainWP_wfScanner->_fetchSummaryItems()
#3 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/views/scanner/scan-results.php(57): MainWP_wfScanner->getSummaryItem()
#4 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/libs/wfView.php(62): include('...')
#5 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence-log.class.php(92): MainWP_wfView->render()
#6 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp-wordfence-extension/class/mainwp-wordfence.class.php(878): MainWP_Wordfence_Log::gen_result_tab()
#7 /.../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): MainWP_Wordfence::render_general_tabs()
#8 /.../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#9 /.../wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action()
#10 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-manage-sites-view.php(759): do_action()
#11 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-manage-sites.php(1084): MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Manage_Sites_View::render_scan_site()
#12 /.../wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-manage-sites.php(1257): MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Manage_Sites::render_scan_site()
#13 /.../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Manage_Sites::render_manage_sites()
#14 /.../wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#15 /.../wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action()
#16 /.../wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action()
#17 {main}
Hi @bogdan, the new Wordfence Extension you’ve sent me fixes the spinning circles and these results are shown. The lower part of the page where the Wordfence scan results are shown is still broken like in the screenshot.