Select multiple checkboxes using shift

Hi team, hope this can be of help! Something I have found that really slows me down.

Issue I am facing
The task I perform most often on MainWP is to run updates across many websites and not being able to use the shift key to mark multiple checkboxes at once really slows things down.

I go into the ‘Plugin Updates’ area, review the list of outstanding updates and then select those updates on the list I want to run via their checkboxes. There are always some I have to leave for later when I have time to properly back up and test on the respective websites, so I need to select batches of 10 or 20, leave a few, then select another batch etc. But I can unfortunately only select one at a time at the moment.

Why this is important
This is a near-daily task for me and having to individually select every checkbox I want really slows things down. I am adding more and more sites into MainWP and little things like this can make a big difference to efficiency…plus it’s just very boring selecting so many items one at a time!

How to solve
Holding shift down is a standard keyboard shortcut to save time that works across many major websites and operating system interfaces where long lists of checkboxes are present: you select one item on the list, then hold down the shift key on the keyboard, and then select another item further down…and then all items in between get checked automatically,

Maybe there is already some functionality that can do this, in which case I would love to know it! But even so, this is a pretty common keyboard command so it would be great to see this implemented in a future update. It would genuinely save me hours across a few months. :pray: :smile:

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