Just found out that SiteGround is blocking access to several sites.
MainWP Child plugin not detected or could not be reached. Reconnect doesn’t work.
Nothing showing in SiteGround blocked traffic. Not in Firewall either.
I have been told by SiteGround AI that this will work…
To allow remote management via MainWP from the IP you can whitelist this IP for accessing your WordPress admin area. Here’s how:
- Open the .htaccess file in your WordPress admin folder.
- Add the following lines:
<Files wp-login.php> order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from *5.8.*27.*75 </Files>
This will allow the specified IP to access the wp-login.php file, enabling MainWP to manage your sites.
It doesn’t work
That IP address is pretty wide open.
I would go to whatismyip.com, get your mainwp machines ip address and put the exact one in to start with. Remove all *
Is there a basic auth blocking any of the sites ie .htpassword?
Does your visit from mainwp central site show on the access or error logs SG provide?
When testing turn off SG cache and flush it too.
SG also use some sort of caching. Ive seen changes visible from USA browser but not NZ. Maybe make a small change to a page (add a full stop or something) and save it before flushing the cache. Check you can see changes from the MainWP computer.
Ive found SG mess with stuff. Updraft for instance failed to run properly. No remedies found. Ive just migrated about 60 sites away from them.
Thanks for the reply. In the end via a protracted AI front end I managed to chat with a proper person. They told me that their firewall was blocking the Dashboard IP I gave them over several sites. He unlocked it and everything was OK. He indicated that, because I had refreshed the site list a few times in a short space of time, it had blocked access. So the moral of this is don’t do too many refreshes on any sites hosted on SiteGround.