There was already a topic, but the Solid Security Report is still not working for me.
I have the Solid Security Pro (former iThemes) plugin on all my websites. Apart from that, MainWp still contains the wrong name, as it is now called Solid Security.
However, when I run a test on a Pro report, it does not show me any data from SolidSecurity, even though there have been dozens of brute force attempts, for example. How do I get these SolidSecurity statistics into the Pro Report?
Can you check that you are running the latest version of Pro Reports (v4.2) on the Dashboard and on the Child Site, the latest Solid Security (v9.2.0), and the MainWP Child plugin (v4.6)?
And please make sure that the data range you’ve selected in the Pro Reports does actually include the logged events.
Thank you for your answer.
I have checked the versions and they should be the latest available.
Pro Reports on Dashboard: 4.2 Pro Reports on Client: 2.2 MainWP Dashboard: 4.6 Solid Security Pro: 8.2.0 (8.2.0 This version is the latest version of Solid Security Pro, the free version is version 9.2.0, confusing but that’s the way it is. However, the updates are identical in the changelog.)
I just tried a brute force and my Solid Security plugin locked me out as you can see in the Solid Security log. However, nothing is visible in the log of MainWP CLient Plugin. There is also not a single line in the Pro Report.