Suspending A Child Site


I am new to WP Main, and was wondering how to take a child site offline, or suspended, due to lack of payment? I have always done through a maintenance mode plugin, but I saw “Site Suspension” and when I enabled it, the website was still active. Did I misunderstand that buttons purpose? Is there a way to easily suspend a client site, for in this case a lack of payment, so once paid I can re-enable quickly?



Hey @aliadoadmin

Welcome to the MainWP community.

The “Site Suspension” feature in MainWP doesn’t take a site offline or restrict public access.
It simply disables MainWP’s ability to manage the site, such as automatic updates or syncing, while the site itself remains active.

This is by design, as MainWP focuses on site management rather than controlling access to websites. If you need to take a site offline or restrict access, you would need to use a separate tool or plugin for that.

In case you would be so inclined, we invite you to build a custom solution. MainWP is developer friendly, and you can find our MainWP Developer Resources at