Switch to another site while in settings

When I’m looking at settings for a particular child site (e.g., Monitor Settings), it would be nice to be able to switch to looking at the same page on a different child site.

Example: I use Siteground hosting and site I’m looking at shows in a dropdown menu in the top left corner. Say I’m looking at the cache settings for that site. I can quickly switch to another one of my sites using the dropdown, but stay on the same cache settings page.

It looks similar to the dropdown in MainWP, but the only options there are to remove site or go to WP Admin. It’d be nice if either there or somewhere else, you could switch to another site and stay on the same settings page. Currently, I have to click Manage Sites, find the site, then find the correct settings page again.

BTW: I accidentally refreshed my browser while writing this. After a few cuss words, I was quite pleased to see my message was saved as a draft! Woohoooooooo!

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Hey @jodzeee

Welcome to the MainWP community.

Unfortunately, that is not possible right now.
However, I copied your suggestion to our official feedback site so other people can upvote it and we can track it.

You can also Subscribe to this Voice post yourself to get notified when there are changes.

If you have more suggestions, feel free to post to voice.mainwp.com directly

Until this is implemented, Quick Site Shortcuts can be a useful workaround. They are always available in the top right corner and allow you to jump to certain Child Site pages, such as Overview.

Once in Overview, jumping to any other page is a click away and can certainly speed up your workflow.

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Ah okay. Thanks for showing me the shortcut menu, that’s really helpful! And also thanks for the Voice feedback site.

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