Test site connection - Connection test failed. Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate

when I try to add a new site, specifically https://dalmond.it, I get this error message:
Connection test failed.
Error message: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate

But the certificate is not self signed.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Hey @PaperPlane

Welcome to the MainWP community!

This site appears to be using Cloudflare, which is likely the cause of this issue.

Please follow these steps to whitelist your Dashboard site and see if that helps with the error message: Troubleshoot connection problems - MainWP Knowledgebase

Thank you Bojan,
the mentioned site is on Kinsta, and they checked but my dashboard IP is not blocked. The other options, like set MainWP Dashboard site URL or turn off Cloudflare Bot Fight Mode are not an option unfortunately.

It may not be necessary to turn off Bot Fight Mode, but unless the MainWP Dashboard’s URL is whitelisted in Cloudflare, unfortunately, the connection will not be successful.

Is there a particular reason why the Dashboard’s URL cannot be whitelisted in CF?

As far as I know Kinsta has its own automations to manage Cloudflare settings - They can only check if an ip/domain in blacklisted.
The strange thing is that the same dashboard is connected to other sites hosted on Kinsta that run with no issue.

Which behavior ends up triggering Cloudflare can be somewhat unpredictable.

If you wish, feel free to open a private Help Desk ticket so we can double-check that the issue is indeed caused by CF.

Please refer to this Community thread by its URL in the ticket.