I have set up a new Pro Report Agency template for my PDF report, and it was easy to translate it into Dutch because of the Custom Titles section.
However, the e-mail template itself is still in English. There is no easy way to translate the pro-report-email-agency Email template? That seems strange to me. Why can I translate the pdf report, but not the email template?
In the Agency email template, most of the content is already translatable.
The exceptions are the Token names such as “Active theme”, “PHP Version”, etc.
We will look into adding translation support for these fields in the next release of the Pro Reports, which we expect to release soon.
However, we’ve discovered a bug with the Agency template where the body of the email isn’t taken from the “Email message” field, but rather from the “Report introduction message” field.
We will include a fix for that as well in that release.