Unable to connect to my UpdraftPlus account

Editing a given site, I select the UpdraftPlus Backups tag. Under Connect with Updraft Pluss Email & Password I enter both the email and the password. I’ve select ‘Use premiym version’. After clicking the Connect button I receive the message:

“Insecure request! Please try again. If you keep experiencing the problem, please review MainWP Knowledgebase, and if you still have issues, please let us know in the MainWP Community.”

I know the email and password are correct - they work on all my sites. I have reviewed the Extension documentation but do not find anything helpful. I’ve also read all of of the Udraft related posts on this forum.

How can I resolve this issue?


Hey @mrdumont

Welcome to the MainWP community.

I’ve sent you a pre-release version of the UpdraftPlus extension via a direct message that addresses this issue.

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Just to provide an update on this -

The website was recently migrated and had the prefix set wrong in the wp-config file.
After that was fixed, the UpdraftPlus issue was resolved.

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