I’m getting this error on some sites:
“Unauthorized request. Invalid or missing nonce, be sure you are using the current version of the MainWP Dashboard and Extensions.”
How can I solve this?
Thank you
I’m getting this error on some sites:
“Unauthorized request. Invalid or missing nonce, be sure you are using the current version of the MainWP Dashboard and Extensions.”
How can I solve this?
Thank you
Hey @RED
We have included WP Nonce verification to the “Go to WP Admin” request for additional security in the MainWP version 4.2.5.
If a MainWP extension has a Go to WP Admin button or a request, it needs to be updated to the latest available version, which includes adjustments for nonce changes.
We have notified the authors of 3rd party extensions about the necessary changes, but it is possible that not all of them have modified their extensions.
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