It would be nice to copy the data from a new child site and into the dashboard, when adding the child site.
In stead of copy / paste the data 3-4 times.
It would be nice to copy the data from a new child site and into the dashboard, when adding the child site.
In stead of copy / paste the data 3-4 times.
Come on, there must be more than me who doesn’t want to waste time copying data from a new child site and into the mainwp dashboard.
Infinite WP has this option.
Right now I have added more than 500 sites due to my WordPress update service on and as every site takes around 20 seconds to add ( copy/paste + copy/paste + copy/paste) then this adds up to 2.78 hours of work. If just I could have copied all needed data from the child site at the same time and pasted it into the mainwp dashboard with one click, then I would have saved probably more than 2 hours (5 seconds to copy/paste).
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