I have migrated a bunch of sites to a new server. Connections are lost. I can’t reconnect because
A) i dont see the field for the password in MainWP > Single Client website > Edit
and/or B) can’t open the mainwp child plugin in the client site to get a new Unique Security ID because the plugin is invisible.
The question is: how do i UN hide the mainwp-child plugin in a customer website
If the MainWP Child plugin was hidden using our White Label extension, and the site was then disconnected in order to migrate to a new Dashboard, then the White Label settings for that child site will have to be manually reset.
There are multiple ways to do so. Please take a look at our KB:
The plugin worked. I see the plugin and all of the settings. Generated a new Unique key and pasted in Mainwp. But after clicking “Reconnect” still the message “MainWP Child plugin not detected or could not be reached!”
Just to make sure: i did not migrate to a new dashboard. I meant migrated to a new server