(Roger Burningham)
September 10, 2020, 3:40pm
Having updated to the latest version of the dashboard v4.1 the following has happened:
I can’t easily change the PHP version down lower - its on 7.4.8 at the moment! with Wordpress 5.5.1 using theme Twenty Twenty Version: 1.5
Not the end of the world but certainly could grow to be a bigger issue!
(Bogdan Rapaić)
September 10, 2020, 3:57pm
Hi Roger,
This problem is reported and our dev team is working on it.
In the error log of my MainWP Dashboard (4.1) I’m getting lots of errors, like:
PHP message: mainwp-activated-check is deprecated since version 4.1! Use mainwp_activated_check instead.
PHP message: mainwp-extension-enabled-check is deprecated since version 4.1! Use mainwp_extension_enabled_check instead.
PHP message: mainwp-extension-available-check is deprecated since version 4.1 with no alternative available.
Are these gonna be fixed in in coming (Extension) updates? The log is growing quite…
I will go ahead and close this topic since it’s a duplicate.