Dear Forum Members,
I’m currently trying to update a plugin by slug on child sites using MainWP and have stumbled upon an issue I was hoping to get some advice on.
This is the PHP code block that I’m currently using:
`$upgradePlugin_information = apply_filters(
array('action' => 'upgradeplugintheme', 'args' => $args)
When I attempt to perform the update, I keep getting the following error in German: “Die erforderliche Version wurde nicht erkannt. Bitte stelle sicher, dass du die neueste Version des MainWP Child-Plugins auf deiner Website verwendest.”
It translates to “The required version was not recognized. Please ensure you use the latest version of the MainWP Child plugin on your website.”
I’m sure I’m using the latest version of the MainWP Child plugin.
Can anyone provide some insight on how to perform this plugin update process using the slug on child sites? I’d really appreciate it if someone could share an example or some pointers to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!