I’ve just noticed an update of MainWP Sucuri Extension to 4.0.9, but it says it’s not available, when I try to update.
I’m using the new Extension API Licensing with an active key. All extensions are correctly activated.
I’ve just noticed an update of MainWP Sucuri Extension to 4.0.9, but it says it’s not available, when I try to update.
I’m using the new Extension API Licensing with an active key. All extensions are correctly activated.
Can you send me the exact error message that you get?
Er is een fout opgetreden bij het bijwerken van MainWP Sucuri Extension: Update pakket niet beschikbaar.
(translated: “An error occurred while updating MainWP Sucuri Extension: Update package not available.”)
This is from the Dashboard - Updates page.
On the Plugins page, this message is shown:
Er is een nieuwe versie van MainWP Sucuri Extension beschikbaar. [Bekijk details van versie 4.0.9]. Automatisch updaten is niet beschikbaar voor deze plugin.
(translation: “A new version of MainWP Sucuri Extension is available. View details of version 4.0.9. Automatic updating is not available for this plugin.”)
Hi Jos,
Do you get the same on the WP > Dashboard > Updates (…/wp-admin/update-core.php) page?
Yes, that’s the first error. It’s the only place I can try to perform the update.
For info, i’ve a couple of updates notified today and they all updated without a problem.
I deactivated the extension, activated it again, revalidated the license and now it was possible to install the update. So it’s solved for now, but we’ll see how it goes with coming updates.