For years I’ve had UpDraft set to be hidden but something changed… It’s still set as hidden on child sites and the settings still show it as hidden from MainWP and if you look in the list of plugins on the child site you can’t see it. But there it is in the sidebar! If you try to click it you’re taken to the main dashboard. Why is it suddenly showing in the sidebar and how can I hide it again?
UpdraftPlus moved their menu from the main Settings page to the top level menu a few months ago. You can read more about it on New location of UpdraftPlus in the WordPress dashboard - UpdraftPlus and how to hide it there. If the plugin was hidden with settings from MainWP, the extension might need to adopt this change as well.
Thanks! That should work though it’s going to be a slog to add that code to each site I monitor.
You can use the MainWP Code Snippets Extension to put the line in the wp-config.php of all those sites. That’s the easiest way. Unless MainWP has another solution with a setting in the UpdraftPlus Extension for example. That’s something @bojan might have the answer to.
As @josklever pointed out, UpdraftPlus recently changed its menu location, so our extension is no longer hiding the menu entry.
I have forwarded this to our dev team and it will be addressed in the next release.
I guess it will be a while and I should go ahead and do this myself instead of waiting, right?
I don’t have an exact ETA for the next release. If this is urgent, feel free to go ahead and hide the menu entry using the method shared above.
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