I found a bug in the premium version of UpdraftPlus.
I installed and activated the plugin on all of my sites via MainWP.
I also applied a global configuration from MainWP: premium activated, with weekly backup and daily incremental backup (for files) and a daily backup for the database.
I checked the sites, and the configuration is properly set up.
The weekly file backup is happening.
The daily database backup is happening.
However, the incremental backup is not happening.
I approached UpdraftPlus technical support.
The problem was resolved by re-validating the UpdraftPlus configuration, but not through MainWP.
I therefore deduce that there is an issue with the implementation of the incremental part.
Can you please check that you’re using the latest version of the MainWP Dashboard v4.5.3.2, UpdraftPlus extension v4.0.10, and the MainWP Child plugin on the affected Child Site v4.5.3?
Did you check the UpdraftPlus plugin configuration directly on the Child Site after you configured the extension, and everything appeared to be fine?
Can you please elaborate a bit on what you mean “re-validating” UpdraftPlus configuration?
Do you know what exactly did the UpdraftPlus technical support do to fix the issue?
I am still looking into the origin of the bug. I am also in discussions with UpdraftPlus support.
For now, it’s not very clear and it’s quite lengthy, as for each test, I have to wait to see whether or not there is a trigger for the incremental backups.
I will get back to you as soon as I have more specific information.